How Can the White Screen of Death Be Fixed by Raising the PHP Memory Limit

When WordPress displays the dreaded white screen of death (WSOD), it may be rather annoying. Since there are never any error warnings shown with this issue—just a blank white page—site owners are often perplexed. PHP memory limitations are a frequent cause of the Windows System error (WSOD). You may fix the problem and get your WordPress website back up and running again by raising the PHP memory limit. Let’s examine how this works and the reasons it could be a useful fix.

How Can the White Screen of Death Be Fixed by Raising the PHP Memory Limit.jpg

WordPress’ PHP Memory Limit

The amount of memory allotted by a server to execute PHP programs, including WordPress, is known as the PHP memory limit. Should this limit be set too low, WordPress may not have sufficient resources to function properly. This may result in issues, such as the well-known “white screen of death.” Your WordPress website breaks when its memory is used beyond capacity. By raising the limit, WordPress has more room to run scripts and prevents these problems.

Why Low Memory Causes the White Screen

A low PHP memory limit is a common cause of WordPress white screen errors. For plugins, themes, and other resources to load, WordPress needs enough RAM. The white screen appears when WordPress is unable to finish operations due to inadequate memory allocation. Internal server failures are often overlooked in previous versions of WordPress, which prevents users from seeing helpful error notifications.

How to Raise WordPress’ PHP Memory Limit

One easy way to fix WordPress white screen of death problems is to increase the PHP memory limit. The wp-config.php file may be edited to do this. Include the line that follows: By using define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’); the limit is raised to 256MB. As an alternative, if you have server access, you may edit the PHP.ini file. WordPress can now handle more resource-demanding operations without going over the RAM limit thanks to this improvement.

The Function of Plugins and Themes in Memory Usage

WordPress uses a lot of RAM, mostly due to themes and plugins. Certain themes or plugins may take an excessive amount of RAM, particularly if they are not well optimized. WordPress may stop loading and display the “white screen of death” when it hits its memory limit. You may stop these memory-hungry components from crashing your website by raising the PHP memory limit.

Why Raising the PHP Memory Limit Isn’t Always Sufficient

The white screen of death can often be resolved by raising the PHP RAM limit, although this isn’t always the only option. Other problems may sometimes be the cause of the issue, such as malfunctioning plugins, a corrupted.htaccess file, or out-of-date PHP versions. Thus, although raising the RAM limit is a necessary first step, it’s equally critical to investigate other possible reasons.


One useful solution for the perplexing WordPress white screen of death is to increase the PHP memory limit. By allowing your website to have additional memory for scripts, you may lessen the likelihood of resource-related problems. Don’t forget to record mistakes and analyze them to have a better knowledge of the problem.


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