How to train a Beagle Puppy at home?

How to train a Beagle Puppy at home.jpg

Originally bred to hunt in packs, Beagles are adorable and very loyal hunting dogs. With their cute pleading expression, they tend to attract many dog lovers easily.

Training a beagle is easier if you follow proper method and routine. Each growth stage of the pup is very important and you must develop socializing, dietary habits, obeying of commands, boundaries, potty training, crate training, leash training and outdoor activities at appropriate stages. When you follow such training routine at home, you will be able to nurture a fun-loving, easy-going loyal companion without any hassle.

In this article, we will thoroughly guide you on how to train a beagle puppy at home so that you can enjoy the companionship of these cute fellas.

How to train a Beagle Puppy at home?

Since Beagles are hunters, you need to train and nurture them carefully to avoid any mishaps. The following is a step-by-step training guide for a beagle puppy at home.

The training guide is divided into growth stages which details you about what all should be done in each stage. This will enable you to train the pup tactically and you will not miss out on even a small factor which enhances the quality of behavior in your beagle pup.

Growth Stage 1 – 8 Weeks to 16 Weeks

Breeders usually sell the pups at 8 weeks because they would have completely weaned from the dam’s milk and it will be easier for beginners to take care of the pups with solid food.

Socializing Your Pup

Beagles love to have a human or another dog as a companion. The starting of 8th week is very crucial in a pup’s life because it starts to recognize the family members and those who take care of him must start the pup to socialize.

Socializing the pup means to introduce the beagle to family members, friends, and most importantly to new situations.

Here is a checklist with regards to new situations which will help you to train your beagle:

• Different Neighborhoods
• Crowded Places like malls and markets
• Parks and Beaches
• Car rides
• Dog crates

Along with these situations, you must train the pup to be friendly with other dogs too. In this young stage, it will be easier for the beagle to get along with other dogs which is very crucial to tame the pup.

Socializing doesn’t stop here. You have to accustom your pup to different sounds, shapes, and lights so that it doesn’t get agitated or annoyed.

So, now we have a list of what to cover in the socializing training. But it is a must to know how to do it.

Begin with introducing the pup to new family members and friends. Beagles love to be among a group of humans or a pack of dogs. Therefore, within one or two days, they easily get accustomed to different people.

Try taking your pet out of the house using a pet basket. Since they are pups, you can easily place them in the baskets and they usually don’t rebel.

Show them different places and let them experience the weather, sound, light, and ambience of the area. You can choose a different spot every two days so that you may be able to cover a variety of spots.

When it comes to socializing with other dogs, you shouldn’t let the pup to the other dog in their first meeting itself. First let the dogs meet each other at a certain distance and watch what your beagle pup does.

If you find any fierce reaction from either of the dogs, let them sit at a distance for a while. Be persistent in the meeting and your beagle will surely socialize with other dogs and pups easily.

Socializing should happen everyday throughout the tenure of stage-1 so that your beagle will emerge as the friendliest dog ever.


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