What are the Steps to do When Placing a Coral Inside the Tank?

Corals are marine animals that resemble miniature sea anemones. Many people think that corals are plants because they don’t move much and look like trees. Most of the coral colonies are comprised of many small soft jelly-like bodies of individual animals called polyps. Corals bring an elegant look to your aquarium because of their natural shape and structure. You can buy corals from clickcorals. They are having a wide variety of corals for sale and are also helpful in choosing the right one for yourself.

What are the Steps to do When Placing a Coral Inside the Tank.jpg

Placing a Coral Inside the Tank:

Coral placement requires perfect knowledge and skill. You can’t just drop your corals inside your tank. When you drop the corals directly into your tank, your corals start to fade and you won’t get good results. There are several steps you need to follow before placing a coral inside your tank.

Quarantine your Corals:

When you are a beginner, this step is not for you. But knowing this step will be useful when you want to add more corals to your tank in the future. This is because any new coral may contain diseases, so the other corals might get a high chance of infecting. By properly quarantining the corals, you can be able to minimize the risk of getting infected.

Use Dips to Treat any Diseases:

Dipping your corals is always important because it will disinfect the corals from any unknown diseases. Dipping a coral means soaking them in a liquid temporarily to get rid of any unwanted diseases. There are several dip solutions available to dip your corals in the market. Mix the dip solution with the tank water in a bowl. Place your corals in the bowl and spray with some kind of sprayer. After some time, rinse off the dip solution over your coral by using the clean water from the tank. Now your coral is ready to go inside your tank.

Drip Acclimate your Coral:

Drip acclimation is important for the corals to keep in a saltwater tank. This is the method of adjusting the temperature of the water bag with the water temperature of your aquarium. The process of this method is very simple. Allow the bag to float in the tank for 15 to 30 minutes and then add water from your tank to the bag slowly using the tubing. Once you feel the temperature is adjusted, place your corals on the ground of the tank. By doing this, you can allow your corals to get used to the new water parameters of your reef tank.


Different corals require different placements. SPS corals need to be placed in high as possible because it prefers intense light and high water flow. On the other hand, LPS corals need to be placed deep inside the water. Soft corals are placed in the lower side of the tank with the presence of flow.


From the above, you can get a piece of detailed knowledge about the steps for placing a coral inside your tank. Follow the steps to make your corals live healthily and become a master in growing the corals.


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