What is the Difference Between a Car Mobile Mechanic and a Garage Mechanic

Mobile mechanics are becoming more popular than traditional garage mechanics. More car owners are using them to perform repairs and replacements on their vehicles. Both mobile mechanics and garage mechanics carry out the same work on cars. Let us discuss some of the essential differences between a mobile mechanic and a garage mechanic.

What is the Difference Between a Car Mobile Mechanic and a Garage Mechanic.jpg

A mobile mechanic is an auto repair technician, who can bring their tools and equipment to your location for servicing the vehicles. They perform the same work as traditional garages and have the same skills and certifications.

If you are looking for a minor car service Perth, you can consider hiring a mobile car mechanic from CB Auto Services. They are having more than 20 years of experience in the car servicing field at affordable prices. They can help you with all mechanical repairs from small cars to large SUVs and offer some free advice over the phone to save you money.

Advantages of Mobile Car Mechanic Over Garage Mechanic:

More Flexible:

A mobile car mechanic can come directly to your place for servicing. No matter whether you are in your home or in your office. They come straight to your place to inspect for the issues and help in solving them.


Mobile mechanics are always cheaper when compared with a fixed garage repair. If you find trouble starting your car on the roadside, you need to call a tow truck to come and transport your vehicle to the nearest garage for servicing. This can cost more, and you can avoid this by hiring a mobile car mechanic.

Disadvantages of Mobile Car Mechanics:

Limited Servicing:

When compared with a garage mechanic, mobile car mechanics provide limited services. They are good at servicing your vehicle, but they can’t do everything. If you are looking for a mobile car mechanic, make sure they have the right tools and know how they will fix your car issues before you book them.

Slower Working Time:

Working alone takes longer time to complete the work. A mobile car mechanic will work alone without seeking any help for servicing your cars. This results in taking more time to complete the work when compares to garage mechanics because they are having several helping hands for completing the work quickly.

Advantages of Garage Mechanic:

More Knowledge:

Garage mechanics offer special services, and they are having more tools and parts for servicing your vehicles. If you have a complex or serious issue with your car, you can consider contacting a garage mechanic rather than hiring a mobile mechanic.

Disadvantage of Garage Mechanic:

More Expensive:

When compared to a mobile car mechanic, servicing your vehicle in a garage is more expensive. This is because a fixed garage has rent or mortgage to pay, as well as a salary to the employees and so on.


Many car owners choose a mobile mechanic for regular servicing of their cars. From the above, you can get a piece of detailed knowledge about some of the advantages and disadvantages of a mobile car mechanic and garage mechanic.


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